CAGD 373 - Pirate Game Assets Final
Game Walkthrough: The goal of this project was to recreate a location from Sea Of Thieves. My team decided to work on an outpost with a stationary sloop and a tavern. We needed to make the mountains similar and add many assets that would be interesting for the player to look at, like the barrels and the lamposts. Also, we needed some interactivity, like cannon shooting and quests. My role on this project was the programmer in charge of implementing all the systems regarding the gameplay. So I managed to make the player movement, interaction with barrels, shootable cannons, a quest system, the final battle, money systems, a high score leaderboard table, and many other small systems within the scene. I also tackled Unity-related tasks like generating a new water shader and sculpting the terrain. One of the problems I faced was dealing with the inventory system since that took a whole sprint on its own, and I did not have any prior experience designing one. I tac...