CAGD 377 - Slippin Away Sprint #2
During this sprint, I wanted to tackle various things. Finishing a Puzzle was my main target, and I also wanted to polish some of the work done during the first Sprint. During Sprint Kickoff, the producer and I discussed laying a more stable base for the project. With that said, various other mechanics would be essential to have for the project, so those were the ones I started developing. First, I wanted to take a very game-essential mechanic: the camera following the player while navigating the level. At first, I started prototyping my own camera, which constantly interpolated the camera position to the player position. However, after doing a bit of research, I came to the conclusion that it would be more efficient to use Unity’s Cinemachine. I’ve never used Cinemachine for a 3D game simulating a 2D game, however, and found a way to freeze the z-axis component on the camera, giving it a smooth follow to the player. After having the camera following the player as intended, i...