CAGD170 - Postmortem Unit 1
Postmortem Unit 1
Martin Vilches – Group 2
The game is a modified version of Solitaire in which two Wild Cards are available. The wildcards are meant to help the player continue with their game when they get stuck. The wildcat is pretty straightforward and can be used when most needed; it is meant to heal players when they get stuck; however, the idea for the wild card came from inexperience with the base game and wanting to get a way out of problems.
This is a single-player vs. game type of player pattern. The game is meant to be played by players seeking a challenge and having an available pack of cards. This game is a great way to entertain yourself if you have a deck of cards.
Some problems we faced during the Game Design process included my group member never playing the game before. We had to do previous play testing to understand the base of the game before starting to think of the modification. Another problem we faced during the process was that after testing the game, we realized that some of the rules were not clear.
Overall my group partner was very cool and comprehensive. He did his part on all of the projects, and we did a good job on most assignments. We were pretty organized when deciding on the time to complete assignments; however, we did not always have the same time available, so we would work out how to complete the assignments on their due date. Overall my group partner did as expected; He was very nice and very comprehensive.
We were very good at organizing times in which we matched free times. We had some troubles with times in which we had homework from other courses or exams to prepare for, but overall, we were good at making time to finish the project progress and assignments in time. For project management, we were pretty aware of the dates for when the assignments were due. Something that we could have done would be scheduling meetings with more anticipated deadlines. That would have made the time management much more efficient.
Something I would change about my game development process going forward would probably be time management. Something that I would also have available in the future would be the knowledge of how to approach game design from now on. This was my first experience with game design, and I was not expecting the lengthy process before coming up with a game idea. Playtesting was very essential for the success of the game. Looking at people’s faces while they are testing your game can say more words than the ones coming out of their mouths. Looking forward to the future, I would put more emphasis on playtesting and how people react to your design decisions. These things are crucial; the first time we playtested the Solitaire modification, people didn’t give honest feedback. However, people who were part of the course and playtested the game had a game-designer perspective, so their feedback was more honest and constructive. This helped us more in making the final product.
I have learned a lot from this experience, and I would look at game design as something simple and straightforward. However, after completing this project, I’ve learned that it takes time to come up with an idea and adjust it and balance it so it can fit with the rest of the game. This project consisted of the basics of game design, and it was an eye-opening experience; however, I’m excited, thrilled, and a bit scared to see how challenging it gets for bigger projects.
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