CAGD170 - Storyteller’s Lie
ePortfolio Post #3
Martin Vilches, Group 5:
In this final section of the semester, we were tasked to do another game now with fewer limitations than before, which gave us more creative freedom to come up with ideas. In my last project, we tried to achieve a big board game that could be boxed and sold. With this new assignment in hand, I wanted to focus more on something that could bring up in the spot, like something you would play in the line while waiting for an amusement ride or in the car while traveling with friends or family.
The game me and my partner came up with was a Lie Detection based game in which the players would have to tell real stories and change some details of it to see if the other person could realize it. It is a point-based system, so depending on the difficulty of the lie then the more points you get. This will make the game more challenging but also harder to achieve the points to win the game.
Something we struggled with was the decision of how to achieve the game, we wanted the game to be as easily playable as possible, so our first intention was to do it with cards and let it be an actual printable board game. However, later we found out that doing this type of game would requiere a lot of card development and designing. So my partner found a way to achieve our same focus but in a website and basically made a random generator for the prompt for the lies. This made our thought process much clearer and allowed us to concentrate on more prompts for the game.
During our first playtesting, we got some very useful feedback. The players thought of the game as what we intended it to be. Something simple and fast that you could play anywhere and pull it up whenever you wanted. They also successfully guessed the age range for what the game was for, which is teenagers - adolescents. Something that we were not expecting was for them to tell us that it would be much more user-friendly to have printable cards than an online generator. This gave my partner and me a different perspective of the game and how it needed to be. Now we needed to come up with somehow make the game card-friendly once more.
Now with a more stable view of the game, we need to brand the game somehow, make it poppy and more interesting to the person. The cards would need to be easy to read but also good-looking so they will be attractive to the person playing it. We didn’t want the player to be looking at the box or instructions on how to play the game but instead make it a more self-teachable game. We came up with some easy-looking card concepts; however, they were too simple for what we were going for, so after more sketches and decisions. We came up with a more stylish way of making the cards for the game.
Overall making this game has been very challenging. Before being tasked to do this project, my thought was that the simpler the game, the simpler it would be for the developers; however, this proved not to be the case because we put much effort in making the game simple but not making it too simple that the player wouldn’t understand what to do next. This game was a good idea; however, we had to change many styles and ways of approaching the game, and this made it a bit difficult to complete the overall project.
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