CAGD 170 Postmortem Unit 3


 Postmortem  Unit 3

Martin Vilches – Group 2

Our last game of the semester is Storyteller’s Lie. This 2 (or more) player game consists of one of the players coming up with a story that will contain 1 - 3 lies. There is a one-minute preparation period for the player to develop the story. Depending on the lies that the player uses, the points they can get; however, if the other player guesses what the lies are, then they lose the points.

For this project, our main goal was to achieve a party game aimed at late teens to adolescents, and we managed to make a game that achieves this. This game follows the player vs. player pattern, so two or more players can play it. Our main plan was to make this a 2-player game, but after making it, we discovered that more players would make the game fun and become a party game.

During the development process, there was a lot of debate on how to make the game and achieve the game’s objective. At first, we wanted to make a card game that could be easily printable. We remembered the game two truths one lie game, so we used that and started building our game idea around it. After we learned about the project's path, we began sketching cards for the game.  Because of all the card combinations, it looked like all the cards would make the game almost infinite. So we opted for an online generator that gave a random group of topics for the one, three, and five points.


Finally, we decided to use the generator. With the generator being part of the game, we figured we would have more creative freedom on the topics, making it easier to develop further. My partner had a great experience in coding, so it was easy to set up the game generator, and it turned out very well. During the development process, we started thinking of more topics for the cards, and with the generator, it was straightforward to add them.

We got someone to playtest the game, and the feedback we got was that the cards were better for the target audience we chose for the game. Since this game is meant to be played with two or more players, we needed to make card designs. We decided to start developing some card designs.


After doing the card, we started another playtest with another group, and they said that “the game was pretty fun and simple.” This meant that we had achieved the game's purpose, but something about the simple didn’t sound right. Maybe some other game mechanic would have made the game more fun but complex.

The management of this project was exemplary. It could have improved. There was little time available, but we pulled out the final version. Dedicating more time to the game's iterative development process could have improved the game.

Something that I would change for a future project would be brainstorming for the project. This game had fewer limitations; however, we went for a simplistic game. We could have taken advantage of the creative freedom that we were given. Making a game more complex or with more attention to detail could have been more enjoyable.

Overall this experience has helped me to be more organized and manage which parts of the development process requiere more time. Working with my partner was a highlight of this project, but our communication could be improved slightly. The project was terrific because it seemed like a stable foundation for the game. I will continue developing it to make it more official and printable for anyone to play.


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