CAGD 270 - MegaManMaker v3 Feedback

     For this project, we were assigned to continue making Megaman levels, but this time there was a change in the limitations. The theme for this project was Jungle/Forest, so the rain ideas started with trees and Jungle. Another thing that came to mind was the temples and the traps, which could have a vine/bushy decoration around them. Also, for this new Megaman level, I wanted the player to have more available paths so that the player feels like there are more options to choose from. We were allowed to use 3 weapon types for this project. The default weapon, the arrow/plunger, and the c.kick were ideal for my idea for the level. Next came the game concept; I designed it so there were a lot of death pits and ladders, and there needed to be paths and keys available to the player. After finishing designing the level, I brought it to Megaman maker, and then it was a moment for the level to be playtested.

I had the chance to have many students playtest my level, and there were mixed reviews on it. The level itself was very well put together, the details were very nice, and it gave the feeling of a jungle/temple, which is what I aimed for this project. Something that most of the playtesters shared an opinion on was how there were many rooms to explore. Still, at the end of the day, they were not necessary for the completion of the level, making them extra or unnecessary. They suggested that in order to fix this, doors and keys could be used to restrict the path of the level and therefore lead the player to explore these areas. Something that was pointed out to me during the playthrough of the level is how you were forced to use your different weapons and abilities to complete the level. There were sections of the level that were not necessary, but you could access them if you knew how to use the abilities, and that gave the players a more interesting way to explore the level. For the enemies, the popular opinion was that they were balanced and they worked as medium-experienced players. Another thing that was pointed out to me during the feedback was that the level felt too short. They said that expanding the level or using keys and doors could make a difference and fulfill the 10-minute mark for this level.

The feedback was very positive, and It really helped me to see some points and perspectives I was not aware of during the design and creation of the level. Some things that need to be improved for the future are using doors and keys to make the level more interesting and expanding the level to make the level last a minimum of 10 minutes. The use of enemies was balanced, but I think it could have been better distributed throughout the level. Also, giving more use for the special weapons and abilities, I found that it was key to making the level more enjoyable. Another improvement opportunity would be adding more puzzles or moments where the player has to think about what section to do first in order to complete a bigger puzzle. This would make the game more engaging and enjoyable.

This level successfully achieved what I wanted it to be, and the players got what was intended for the design of this level. The use of the trees' background and temple tiles fitted with the theme perfectly and the use of caverns with vines did as intended making the design of the level excellent.


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