CAGD 370 - Goo Game Sprint #2
Continuing with the Goo game, we were told to make a signature move for the Goo Character, so my team started brainstorming what would make the most sense for Goo to be its special ability, and we ended up with two main ideas that we wanted to implement which where climbing through sticky walls and gliding down. But in order to develop that movement, we needed some of the more basic and core mechanics down for that to start development. For my part, I began to work on a movable crate that the player would be able to move around the level and use it to hold pressure plates to make progress. At first, I thought a normal 3d Rigid Body in the player and the Box would be enough to make it move since there was a normal collision. However, I couldn’t have been more wrong about this theory; once they collided, then the crate would be launched outside the level. There was a player visor in the Character model that had a collision, which caused the crate to fly far. Once that was remo...