CAGD 370 - Goo Game Sprint #1

In the course, we were assigned to develop the early stages of a game using the Agile Methodology. More in-depth for this project, we would be using the SCRUM framework. Unfortunately, for the talk about the choice of the topic and age group of the project, I was missing. So when I got back from an emergency trip, I was introduced to a group who had already chosen a theme, which was a goo-like game in which the player had to solve puzzles using 3D Physics.

For the project, I took on the Programmer role because It was that suited my experience and interests. Luckily for me, I managed to be in class for the Sprint Kick-Off, which was a crucial part of the development process; there, I managed to negotiate with my team leader various user stories that I would be in charge of completing. I would be in charge of doing the player movement and the player Camera. As well as other moving objects like a moving platform.

When we started working on the project, we had some struggles setting up the GitHub. but after we got it figured out, my team leader managed to set up the Unity project, and that gave me the green light to start working on the user stories. For the game, I wanted to use the Unity new Input System, which I had never used before, so that was the first brick wall I faced. 

After watching the documentation and some tutorials, I managed to create a basic player movement in which the player could use the WASD keys to move around the world. Doing the scripts was another challenge because my team wanted some kind of 3D camera that you could move with the Mouse. However, that is where I faced the second brick wall, which was making the player movement relative to where the camera was facing.

After the player movement was completed, there was another core mechanic that was changed between different states so the capsule would represent the player in a human form, the square would represent the slime form, and the ball would represent the state the slime would be in when it reaches a certain speed. The transformation was fairly easy to achieve.

Another challenge I faced during the development process was the moving platform, Unfortunately, I made the code for the moving platform before learning what Interpolation was. I  think that the math formula would have been better for the game to run smoother, but the way I made the platform move forward a point also worked. The problem with the moving platform is that the platform would move, and the player would have to match the platform movement in order to not fall off the platform. So I talked to my team leader about ways to fix the problem, and the thing that he mentioned was using a RigidBody. Using the RigidBody, I was able to make a trigger on top of the platform in which if the player were on top of it, then the player would become a Child of the platform, therefore making the player movement relative to the platform.

Overall, this project had many challenges, and we learned many things, including how the Agile methodology works and, more specifically, the SCRUM framework. I was very fortunate to have a team that was responsible and always on time with their tasks, preventing any type of block between the group members. This project will continue to be developed and add more mechanics. We were instructed to have a unique movement-related mechanic, which we thought the slime could climb the walls.


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