
Showing posts from November, 2023

CAGD 370 - Goo Game Sprint #4

     Continuing with the development of the Goo Game, we had a playtest during this Sprint. I was eager to hear what the playtesters had to say about the mechanics implemented in the last Sprint and consider any suggestions for improvement for the game.  After the playtest, we compiled the feedback into a single document, and we had some significant things that needed to be fixed for the commodity of the testers and players. First, we had the main issue that most of the testers complained about and had multiple suggestions on how to fix it. The camera is an essential piece of the game. Unfortunately, at the start of the level, the player is in a room, and the camera goes outside the playing area, blocking the tester from seeing the character. Something else that many pointed out was the mouse sensitivity in the player’s camera control movement. With those main issues in mind, I started working on the Camera movement. At first, for the camera control, I had my script ...

CAGD 370 - Goo Game Sprint #3

  Following the Goo Game, there were various things that I had to improve. We had our first movement playtest, which showed multiple things that we didn't think of that we had to fix. The jumping of the player was not proper; the playtesters said that the player had too much gravity and that the movement wasn’t parabolic. We also go that there needed to be some more visual guidance for where to go. Something that was pointed out to me by my team leader was the checkpoints. They were good, and they worked; however, after the playtest, we figured out that we needed a visual for when the player acquired a new checkpoint. Before this sprint, we had the checkpoints working, and the only way to find out which checkpoint was active was by memory or respawning. After doing a quick brainstorming, I was undecided between my two best options. Make a small flag that would appear on the checkpoint that is active or change the color of the checkpoint sticks so that the player would know which on...