CAGD 370 - Goo Game Sprint #3

 Following the Goo Game, there were various things that I had to improve. We had our first movement playtest, which showed multiple things that we didn't think of that we had to fix. The jumping of the player was not proper; the playtesters said that the player had too much gravity and that the movement wasn’t parabolic. We also go that there needed to be some more visual guidance for where to go.

Something that was pointed out to me by my team leader was the checkpoints. They were good, and they worked; however, after the playtest, we figured out that we needed a visual for when the player acquired a new checkpoint. Before this sprint, we had the checkpoints working, and the only way to find out which checkpoint was active was by memory or respawning. After doing a quick brainstorming, I was undecided between my two best options. Make a small flag that would appear on the checkpoint that is active or change the color of the checkpoint sticks so that the player would know which ones are active and which ones have already been grabbed. Finally, I decided to go with the checkpoint stick changing colors because it would be the most efficient option for a prototype. So, after modifying the code for the checkpoints and making them change colors depending on the state of the checkpoint ( notGrabbed, current, and grabbed). Now, the player had a clear visual of what was happening with the checkpoints.

After working with the checkpoint, I decided to go for a more challenging card. The pressure plate that activates the door. Now, for this, I wanted to make a script that the level designer could attach any interactable object, and it would activate it. I also intended for the level designer to add multiple interactables so that the pressure plates could do more than trigger a single event. I added the pressure plate script that would use a trigger to check if the player or a box is on top. I also added it so the pressure plate would lower its position if something was on top of it. Something that I could have added is the option for the game designer to make it a one-time trigger or a hold trigger, which could allow for more creative-level design.

Along with the pressure plate, I added the first interactable that could be attached to the pressure plate. The double door was a simple concept; the doors would open outwards when triggered by the pressure plate. However, many errors came with it. The hardest part was understanding linear interpolation for angles in unity. Something I was not expecting was to make changeable values to check if the script is attached to the right door or the left door. After a lot of testing and debugging, the door turned out great. It works as intended, and it can be perfectly aligned with the pressure plate. It is a good-level design combo.

Finally, I wanted to complete the main menu card; it seems like now that we were entering the playtesting ambient of the prototype, we needed something so that the player could start the game when ready rather than beginning on the active level. So, to achieve this, I created a new scene and starting working on the canvas for it. I wanted the prototype name title to be read and two main buttons that would be essential for the functionality of the main menu: the start game button that would place the player on level one and the quit button that would let the player close the game. For the background, I wanted something that gave a goo-ooze feeling, so slimy green was used.

Overall, many things were completed during this sprint; the playtesting gave a lot of feedback, including the fixing of some essential mechanics as well as ideas to make the game more fun for the player.


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