CAGD 470 - LockedIn Sprint #3

  During the Sprint kickoff for Locked In, we had a very straightforward object: to get a build of the game done and have a playtest released. To achieve this there were various key aspects of the game that we had to work on. My job was getting more enemies done and released. We would need to implement other things, like health and other enemy features. 

So, starting with the features, the first thing that I tackled was making the health component, which needed to be the most modular it could be; I wanted the same Health component to be used by the enemies and the player, which meant a lot of adjusting. Something else that I was aware of is that the player can grab an extra armor piece that acts as a shield, so I made it so the health component could also have a shield. Finally, I added some events that trigger when the health is changed and when the health is depleted; that way, there could be a modular way for the other programmer to implement it and apply it to their player script. This is how that turned out:

After completing that, I worked on the grunt, which was reasonably easy to make; tearing the mimic script apart, I made an enemy that follows you no matter where you are, and it advances slowly towards you. This is what that looked like in the game:

The next thing I started working on was researching the B-Head enemy, which is a dog-like monster that does not have eyes and is driven by the player's sounds. Our first approach to the B-head was making the player’s microphone input to drive the B-head, and I did research on Unity capturing audio and how to check when it is being used. 

After testing it a bit, I knew this would take a lot of work to implement and that making a background removal system was very likely out of scope. So, after informing and discussing this with my team's designer and producer, we concluded that this was not going to be within the project’s development time. So, instead of making the game rely on the player’s microphone input, we made it rely on the player’s sound effects, meaning we would need player sounds implemented. I worked on a sound effects manager that will take care of the sound effects the player sends and make it so that the enemy captures them. I wanted to make it as easy as possible for the designer to change the values for each VFX sound. The audio manager will hold the player sounds library and act as a sound spawner for any script that calls it.

The last thing I worked on during this sprint was the radioactive bug enemy, which didn’t have pathfinding that needed to be implemented but instead followed a set path at a set speed. Previously, I worked with Unity splines, so this was fairly easy to find and implement into Locked in; this is how that ended up looking:

Finally, this sprint went very smoothly, and we had a lot done; we had our playtest, and it was fairly simple to put everything together; we had minor bugs that we were able to solve on the spot, but the build was released, and we got some playtesting. My team did a great job, and I’ll be happy to keep working in Locked in in the future. Something I believe we could have improved was the time management for the build because it was left for the last things in the sprint, and we had some time crunching at the end.


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